• 16 July, 2024
Markets News

Craig Wright Faces Perjury Charges for False Claims and Fabricated Evidence

Craig Wright, the self-proclaimed creator of Bitcoin, has recently been referred to British prosecutors for allegedly committing perjury. British High Court Judge James Mellor, who presides over the case against Wright, has charged the computer scientist with extensive lies and false claims.

In a July 16 ruling, Judge Mellor explained the seriousness of Wright’s allegations, hinting at the potential prosecution, arrest warrant, or extradition. The perjury charges are based on Wright’s false arguments and fabricated evidence during the COPA-initiated trial. The judge cited,

In advancing his false claim to be Satoshi through multiple legal actions, Dr. Wright committed ‘a most serious abuse’ of the process of the courts of the U.K., Norway and the U.S.A. If what happened in this case does not warrant referral to the CPS, it is difficult to envisage a case which would.

Craig Wright’s Claims over Bitcoin Ownership and COPA’s Lawsuit

The identity of the Bitcoin creator has remained a mystery since the token’s inception. While many claimed to be the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, Craig Wright, an American computer scientist and businessman, stepped in front, declaring himself the Bitcoin creator. However, he soon hid, citing his lack of courage.

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The Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), an organization in which X co-founder Jack Dorsey is a member, sought legal assistance in dismissing Wright’s ownership claims. The COPA argued that the businessman had committed “forgery on an industrial scale” to support his “brazen lie.”

Judge Disapproves Wright’s Claims

In March, Judge Mellor disapproved the defendant’s claims, identifying that Wright was not the real creator of Bitcoin. While COPA’s lawyers produced evidence and expert testimony against Wright’s false arguments, the judge dismantled his fabricated proofs and evidence.

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