• 28 June, 2024

Donald Trump’s Push for U.S. Bitcoin Mining and Its Impact on 2024 Politics

Donald Trump moved with a new way of campaign in the 2024 U.S Presidential Election, adopting cryptocurrency as a core subject. On one side, Donald Trump, and on the other, current President Joe Biden, are influencing voters in their own styles. Analysts have also referred to it as ‘crypto elections.’ This move not only shows the growing significance of digital money, but also suggests prospective changes in politics and the economy.

The Evolution of Trump’s Stance on Crypto

Skepticism Converts Into Support

During his previous presidency in 2019, Donald Trump has publicly criticized cryptocurrencies. He had also asserted that he is not a fan of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies adding they are not money. This aspect has led to some concerns about the volatility of digital assets and their use in illegal activities. However, by the 2024 election, Trump’s stance had changed dramatically. The shift can be attributed to the growing acceptance and mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies along with strategic advice from his campaign advisers.

Also some other major issues are the subject of discussion in this election. These include, immigration, ethnic and cultural diversity, family dynamics, criminality and reproductive difficulties. Although people who support President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump hold opposing views on these issues, they are also deeply divided. 

Strategic Shift for the 2024 Campaign

Analysts state Trump’s decision to adopt cryptocurrency in his 2024 campaign likely to be a plan to gain support from a tech-savvy voting base. As part of this plan, Trump has renamed himself the “crypto president,” with the goal of positioning himself as a forward-thinking digital leader. His advisors most certainly noticed the Bitcoin community’s growing political influence, including many young, libertarian-leaning voters.

How Is Cryptocurrency Shaping the 2024 US Elections?

Crypto Miners and Industry Leaders: A Strategic Alliance

Trump’s engagement with the cryptocurrency industry reached a new level with his recent meeting in San Francisco. He had major discussions with leading crypto miners and blockchain executives. This meeting underscored his commitment to understanding and supporting the industry’s needs. The crypto world’s major mining companies and influential blockchain developers have publicly endorsed Trump, reinforcing him as a pro-tech candidate.

Policy Promises and Industry Expectations

During his conversations, Trump made many policy pledges to create a more hospitable climate for Bitcoin innovation in the United States. He stressed the strategic necessity of domestic Bitcoin mining in improving national economic security.

He promised to minimize regulatory barriers, create clearer legal frameworks for digital assets, and encourage the use of blockchain technology. The industry highlighted the importance of ongoing engagement and strong rules in promoting long-term growth and mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Trump Criticized Biden’s Administration

Donald Trump has announced his intention to accept cryptocurrency as a campaign donation, stating that President Joe Biden “doesn’t even know” about cryptocurrency. The announcement was made at a gala celebrating his “Mugshot Edition” NFT collection, attended by cryptocurrency enthusiasts and creators. Due to regulatory challenges, Trump emphasized the importance of embracing cryptocurrency to prevent overseas migration. 

Trump criticized the Biden administration’s approach to cryptocurrency, stating that Democrats dislike it and Biden is unfamiliar with its concept. During a Mar-a-Lago event, Trump pledged to ensure that cryptocurrencies can be used for donations and that he would make them accessible to the public. His commitment to cryptocurrencies’ potential was echoed in his interactions with the crowd. Trump’s pro-crypto stance contrasts with the cautious Biden administration’s stance, highlighting a policy divergence from current regulations.

Crypto Donations

Gemini’s Winklevoss Twins Donates $2 Million Donation to End Biden’s Crypto War

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, Gemini crypto exchange co-founders, donate 30.94 Bitcoins to Donald Trump’s campaign in a bid to end Biden’s leadership. They said the donation’s main purpose is to “end the Biden administration’s war on crypto.”

Tylor Criticized on Biden’s Administration

Tyler Winklevoss said the Biden administration has demonstrated its hostility toward the crypto industry. The administration has used government agencies as weapons to target crypto companies and stifle crypto innovation.

Also, he stated the Biden administration was mean to American businesses and made them look bad. He also talked about “Operation Choke Point 2.0,” where the government tells banks not to work with companies that use cryptocurrency. Tyler believes that these measures are bad for the economy and for new ideas. Furthermore, Tyler argued that these tactics harm the American economy and innovation.

Cameron’s statement about Trump’s view on crypto read,

I also just donated $1 million in bitcoin (15.47 BTC) to Donald Trump and will be voting for him in November. Here’s the TL;DR — President Trump is: 

– Pro-Bitcoin 

– Pro-Crypto 

– Pro-Business.

In addition, Tyler expressed that Biden has completely failed the crypto industry, but Trump has a future vision for it. Donald Trump is pro-bitcoin, pro-crypto, and pro-business choice, and it’s time to take our country back again. As part of that, Tyler announced they had donated 2 million dollars to the Trump campaign.

Trump’s Crypto Wallet Increased More Than $30 Million

On May 30, 2024, Trump became the first US president to be convicted of a felony, following a six-week trial that prevented him from regaining the White House. He was convicted of falsifying corporate documents in connection with a payout to Stormy Daniels. After the conviction, Trump experienced an inflow of memecoin donations to his crypto wallet, increasing more than $30 million

A major portion of the donations, at least $19.5 million, came from a memecoin called TROG (Trump Frog). Billed as “the memecoin that’s here to make crypto great again,” the TROG team gave 50% of its over 420 million memecoins to Trump. 

However, immediately following the news of Trump’s guilty conviction last week, the token value of a cryptocurrency inspired by the former president plummeted 35%. Jeo Boden, a competing memecoin, had a 20% increase.

Few Surveys on Biden and Trump

Biden Leads Trump by 1 Point in Latest Polls: Morning Consult

Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, Morning Consult polls showed President Joe Biden beating Donald Trump by 44% to 43% points. The survey found Trump trailing a month later, and Biden now leading. Trump’s public image has improved since his New York felony conviction, with voters 27 percent. Despite this, Biden is more popular than Trump, with a higher net favorability rating for the eighth week.

The economy, national security, and health care remain top voter concerns, although immigration has grown in prominence. 66% of respondents rated it “very important,” up from 50% in 2022. Despite his executive order to curtail asylum requests, Biden has been unable to secure support on immigration.

Biden and Trump Tied Ahead of the Presidential Debate: PBS/Marist Survey

A PBS/Marist survey finds, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are deadlocked among registered voters nationwide. Trump leads Biden by one percentage point among those planning to vote in November. While Biden has gained support among independents, Trump has increased his lead among white voters. In a multi-candidate race, barely one percentage point separates Biden from Trump.

Gemini’s Winklevoss Twins Back Trump with $2M Donation to End Biden’s Crypto War

Bitcoin and U.S. Adoption

Trump recently urged all remaining Bitcoin could be mined in the United States, indicating a significant turnaround in his attitude toward cryptocurrency. In a post on Truth Social, Trump underlined the possibility for US-mined Bitcoin to boost national energy supremacy, saying,

We want all of the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!!” It will help us become ENERGY DOMINANT!!!

Trump also stated that domestic Bitcoin mining might be a crucial defense against the growth of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

This drive for Bitcoin mining in the United States comes as global worries over digital currency deepen. Trump’s demand emphasizes the strategic relevance of controlling Bitcoin production within national boundaries to oppose international digital currency ambitions. Trump recently spoke with Bitcoin mining CEOs at Mar-a-Lago, emphasizing his commitment to building a local cryptocurrency business. He believes this will preserve economic freedom and security as global digital currencies expand.


Donald Trump’s use of cryptocurrency as part of his 2024 campaign plan represents a significant shift in the political climate. Trump hopes to capture the technophile voting base and present himself as a forward-thinking leader. His recent meetings with cryptocurrency miners and blockchain experts and his promises to reduce regulatory barriers demonstrate his dedication to fostering innovation.

As elections approach, the impact of these changes on voters and the larger economic consequences of crypto-friendly policies, will be monitored widely. Regardless of the outcome, Trump’s campaign has moved critical questions about digital financing into the mainstream political arena.

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