• 03 July, 2024

Japanese Prime Minister to Speak at WebX Conference in Tokyo: Report

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will address this year’s WebX conference in Tokyo, Japan, marking a significant endorsement for developing the Web3 industry. Renowned crypto journalist Colin Wu’s announcement through a Wu Blockchain X post has generated substantial interest within the blockchain community. The conference is scheduled to take place from August 28 to 29.

Prime Minister Kishida’s involvement underscores the Japanese government’s strategic commitment to integrating blockchain technology into its economic framework, highlighting the nation’s ambition to become a global leader in digital transformation. His speech is anticipated to focus on Japan’s vision for Web3 and its potential to revolutionize various sectors, including finance, supply chain, and digital identity.

According to a recent report, the WebX conference boasts an impressive lineup of speakers to share their insights and expertise on Web3 technologies. Among the notable speakers, Binance CEO Richard Teng offers a unique perspective on the industry’s market dynamics and regulatory challenges. Teng’s address is expected to delve into the future of digital assets and their mainstream adoption.

Chao Deng, the CEO of HashKey Capital, is another speaker who will attend this conference. Deng is well equipped for the position, given that he has participated in many blockchain investments and venture capital trends. His experience in recognizing and supporting blockchain startups will provide useful insights into the evolution of Web3 technologies and their economic impact.

Beju Shah, Head of Nordics at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub, is another speaker. Shah’s position at the BIS entails identifying and promoting financial innovations that can affect central banks worldwide. His involvement proves that traditional financial institutions are increasingly engaging with new blockchain technologies.

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The WebX conference is an ideal platform that gathers the representatives of the world’s political and business elite, as well as experts in digital economies. This event is anticipated to create new opportunities and collaborations that will define the future of Web3 technology.

The Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s participation has gained much attention, marking Japan’s active participation and encouragement of blockchain technology. The WebX conference in Tokyo is expected to break new grounds in collaboration and innovation and thus affirm Japan’s position in the digital world.

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