• 27 July, 2024

INTERPOL Dives Into The Metaverse In Attempt to Further Combat Crimes

INTERPOL Dives Into The Metaverse In Attempt to Further Combat Crimes

During a surprise session during the 90th General Assembly of INTERPOL, which was held in New Delhi, India, the global police organization introduced the very first Metaverse that was created with law enforcement agencies all over the globe in mind.

Registered users of the Interpol metaverse may do things like attend forensic investigation courses and tour a virtual replica of the Interpol General Secretariat offices in Lyon, France.

Interpol indicated that one of the primary motivators for its entry into the metaverse is owing to the fact that criminals are already using the technology to commit crimes, while the adoption rates of the general population are projected to drastically expand over the next several years.

In an endeavor to define and control the metaverse, the World Economic Forum, which has teamed with Interpol, Meta, Microsoft, and others, has issued a warning that social engineering schemes, violent extremism, and disinformation might be special issues, the global organization stated.

According to Madan Oberoi, Executive Director of Technology and Innovation for Interpol, if they are able to identify these risks from the beginning, they will be able to collaborate with various stakeholders to design the appropriate governance frameworks and shut down potential future criminal markets before they are fully formed.

He added that:

“By identifying these risks from the outset, we can work with stakeholders to shape the necessary governance frameworks and cut off future criminal markets before they are fully formed. Only by having these conversations now can we build an effective response.”

It is possible that some of these dangers may provide considerable issues for law enforcement. This is due to the fact that not all behaviors that are regarded as illegal in the real world are also considered illegal when they are carried out in the virtual world.

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