Market News

Ethereum whales holding between 10,000 and 100,000 ETH have sold or dispersed roughly 880,000 ETH

Whales have been a major factor in the cryptocurrency market since December 2022. Between 10,000 and 100,000 individual addresses holding Ethereum (ETH) have sold or redistributed around 880,000 ETH during this period – representing a sizable portion of the total circulating supply. This has had a notable effect on the price of Ethereum and other altcoins as well, as the large holders are often believed to set the market trend.

The activity of these Ethereum whales is largely unknown, but many speculate that they are either selling for profit or redistributing their holdings in order to take advantage of price movements. Regardless of the motivation, their actions have had a significant impact on Ethereum’s price and overall market sentiment.

It is difficult to predict the actions of these whales, but it appears that they are looking to capitalize on any market opportunities that may arise. As such, understanding their activity and better predicting their moves can be beneficial for traders as they seek to gain insight into the direction of Ethereum’s price movements. For those interested in investing in Ethereum, it is important to be aware of the actions of these whales and their potential influence on the price.

Source: Tradingview

The cryptocurrency market is constantly changing and evolving, but one thing remains certain: The activity of Ethereum whales can have a significant impact on the price of ETH. As such, investors should pay close attention to this group’s activities and be mindful of the potential effects on the cryptocurrency market.

By following their activity and better predicting their moves, investors may be able to gain a better understanding of Ethereum’s price movements and capitalize on any potential opportunities that may arise. This knowledge can also help inform decision-making in trading strategies, as well as provide insight into the overall health of the cryptocurrency market.


In summary, Ethereum whales have sold or redistributed around 880,000 ETH since December 2022 and their actions have had a profound effect on the price of Ethereum and its associated altcoins. By keeping a close eye on these large holders and their activity, investors can gain valuable insight into the direction of the market and potentially capitalize on any price movements. Knowing the actions of Ethereum whales can also provide a valuable tool for traders as they seek to gain an edge in the cryptocurrency market.

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