• 27 July, 2024

Web3 Protocol FIO NFT Domains Go Live on Polygon and OpenSea

Web3 Protocol FIO NFT Domains Go Live on Polygon and OpenSea

Web3 protocol FIO Protocol has just made public its intention to launch its NFT domain on Polygon and has also incorporated it into OpenSea. FIO Domain is a solution that can be used to personalize a Web3 identity. It is the only completely decentralized means to modify that identity from the beginning to the end.

According to the firm, all FIO Domains are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the FIO blockchain. This indicates that private keys protect them and that the possessor of a private key has the ability to freely move them between FIO accounts, users, and wallets.

Users can now convert their domain NFTs into ERC-721 NFTs using Polygon’s newly added FIO Domain wrapping functionality. This enables them to list and trade their FIO Domains on any of their preferred NFT markets.

Customers will now be able to buy FIO Domains directly from other holders on NFT markets. After making a purchase, users will have the option to either retain their domains wrapped on Polygon for future resale or unwrap them in order to transfer them back to the FIO blockchain.

In addition, users may construct a truly unique Web3 name by using the domains to generate their own FIO Crypto Handles instead of a standard .domain extension.

Rather than memorizing many random strings that make up a cryptocurrency wallet’s address, users may just use their FIO Crypto Handle to access their funds. You may use your unique FIO Crypto Handle with a custom FIO Domain to perform ENS-like operations such as sending, receiving, requesting, and signing cryptographic transactions.

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